Prof. Dr. Petra Eisele

FH Mainz, Mainz
Professor in design history and theory

After studying German and history of art, Petra Eisele completed the four-year-long research project “bauhaus medial” at Trier University. She was then awarded a PhD by the Berlin University of the Arts, for her thesis on developments in postmodern design since the 1960s. From 2000 to 2003 she was employed at the Bauhaus University, Weimar, working in history and theory of design. She has been professor in design history and theory at Mainz University of Applied Sciences since 2006. She is the chairperson and a founder member of Gesellschaft für Designgeschichte (‘Society for the History of Design’), created in 2008, and since 2011 she has been the deputy-director of the design-labor gutenburg at Mainz University of Applied Sciences. She has also given numerous guest lectures and has many publications to her name.