David Bailey

BBC UX&D, London
Creative Director

In the late nine­ties, whilst mana­ging a skate­board shop and pro­mo­ting club nights, David stumb­led into a care­er in gra­phic design. He cut his teeth with world renow­ned agen­cy The Desi­gners Repu­blic and what fol­lo­wed was 16 years, both with TDR, and later his own stu­dio, Kiosk, pro­du­cing cut­ting-edge art direc­tion and design for the music, arts, games, fashion and broad­cas­ting indus­tries. In 2012, D&AD inclu­ded David in its list of ’50 Bri­tish Crea­ti­ve Gre­ats’ which inclu­ded the likes of Ran­kin, Storm Thor­ger­son and Paul Smith. In 2013 he joi­ned the BBC as Crea­ti­ve Direc­tor of the organisation’s Glo­bal Expe­ri­ence Lan­guage, (GEL). His team faci­li­ta­te and publish the ongo­ing deve­lop­ment of their sha­red design frame­work which under­pins the design of the BBC’s ent­i­re online out­put.